Meet The Coaches.

Nathan Morgan

Nathan Morgan


Founder & Head Coach -

I was inspired during my Level 2 FA Football Coaching qualification and realised that I wanted to take my coaching skills further. I was already heavily involved in grassroots football and began holding 1-2-1 sessions in order to support players allowing them to reach their full potential. This led to me founding Level Up in September 2019. 

I pride myself on high-quality coaching and am constantly looking for initiative ways to keep players engaged and to challenge them. In order to do this, I enrolled at the University of Plymouth Marjon to study Football Development & Coaching in 2019. I am also looking to complete further FA-affiliated licenses such as UEFA B. 

I am proud of how far Level Up has come in such a short period of time, and this is mostly due to the talented players I have had the pleasure of coaching. I am also grateful to the parents of these players for their support and I am extremely excited to see what we can achieve in the future.